A Note on Generalized Bell-Appell Polynomials





Bell Polynomials, Generalized Bell Polynomials, Appell Polynomials, Bernoulli Polynomials, Euler Polynomials, Generating Function, Determinant Representation


This paper aims to establish a new hybrid class of special polynomials, namely, the generalized Bell-Appell polynomials. The idea of the monomiality principle is used to construct the generating function for the generalized Bell-Appell polynomials. Certain related identities and properties are also considered. The determinant representation is also derived. Further, we present some special cases of generalized Bell-Appell family and investigate the corresponding results.


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How to Cite

Muhyi, A. (2024). A Note on Generalized Bell-Appell Polynomials. Advances in Analysis and Applied Mathematics, 1(2), 90–100. https://doi.org/10.62298/advmath.8