Numerical Solution of Time Fractional Klein-Gordon Equation in Framework of the Yang-Abdel-Cattani Fractional Derivative Operator




Klein-Gordon Equations, Yang Abdel Cattani Fractional Derivative Operator, Existence and Uniqueness


This paper investigates the analytical results of both linear and nonlinear time-fractional Klein-Gordon equations using the novel Yang-Abdel-Cattani derivative operator. In order to solve the proposed time-fractional Klein-Gordon equations, we applied the Laplace Adomian decomposition technique. The effectiveness of this operator is demonstrated through three test problems. These include both linear and nonlinear time-fractional Klein-Gordon equations. Furthermore, the influence of different fractional Brownian motion values on the solution profiles is analyzed and presented graphically.


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How to Cite

Ayalew, M. (2024). Numerical Solution of Time Fractional Klein-Gordon Equation in Framework of the Yang-Abdel-Cattani Fractional Derivative Operator. Advances in Analysis and Applied Mathematics, 1(2), 126–139.