About the Journal

ISSN Online: 3062-0686


Fuat Usta, PhD,
Düzce University, Türkiye


Serkan Aracı, PhD,
Hasan Kalyoncu University, Türkiye

Managing Editor

Abdulghani Muhyi, PhD,
Hajjah University, Yemen

Communication Editor

Bilal Khan, PhD,
Henan Academy of Sciences, China

Technical Editor

Muhammet Civelek, MSc,
Karadeniz Technical University

English Editor

Mehmet Salih Yoğun, Hasan Kalyoncu University, Türkiye

Editorial Secretariat

Ahmet Kaya, PhD,  Nevşehir Hacı Bayram Veli University, Türkiye

Aims & Scope

Advances in Analysis and Applied Mathematics is an international electronic research journal of rapid dissemination, devoted to the publication of high level research articles in all areas and sub-areas of mathematical analysis and applied mathematics. Interdisciplinary in its coverage, Advances in Analysis and Applied Mathematics is dedicated to the publication of original and survey articles on rigorous methods and results in analysis and applied mathematics. Advances in Analysis and Applied Mathematics accepts papers that are scientifically sound, technically correct and provide valuable new knowledge to the mathematics community.

Topics covered by the journal include: Real Analysis, Complex Analysis, Inequalities, Numerical analysis, Numerical Analysis in Abstract Spaces, Differential Equations, Difference Equations, Partial Differential Equations, Optimization, Fourier Analysis, Abstract Harmonic Analysis, Computational Methods,  Numerical Methods in Fourier Analysis, Functional Analysis, Operator Theory, Miscellaneous Applications of Functional Analysis, Nonlinear Functional Analysis, Stochastic Analysis, Multivariate Analysis, Control Theory, Applied Mathematics, Scientific Computing, Computer Science, Mathematical Biology, Financial Mathematics, Modelling and all the other fields of their applications.

Original research results in these and related areas, that use state-of-art mathematical tools, find in this journal a natural home and an outlet to the broader scientific community

Forthcoming Issue

Vol. 2 No. 1 (2026, June): Advances in Analysis and Applied Mathematics

In Progress

This issue contains final, fully citable articles that are published online immediately after completing the review process with the volume/issue and an assigned DOI number.


Current Issue

Vol. 1 No. 2 (2024): December, Advances in Analysis and Applied Mathematics
					View Vol. 1 No. 2 (2024): December, Advances in Analysis and Applied Mathematics
Published: 31.12.2024


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